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New lampwork glass bead class

Samantha Sweet

I'm a great believer in the therapeutic magic of making so it's with great pleasure I'm introducing a new, extended beginners class - silver session

My beginners classes introduce making a glass bead from scratch, melting glass rods in at high temperature (approx 1500 deg C) onto a steel mandrel. We use 'Italian glass', otherwise known as soda lime, which comes in a rainbow of transparent and opaque colours - and a few more!

Glass is a brilliant material to work with. It responds quickly and surprisingly forgiving. During a class we learn to mix colours, stretch patterns and add dots. As you melt glass the colours transform into molten orange, returning only as the bead cools in the new shape you have formed. It's wonderful to watch (I do actually see people full of wonder).

Alongside the regular colours there are some glass colours are known as reactive. They can look bland initially, but under just the right conditions they transform into brilliant metallics and lustres. With a pass through the flame a bead can transform into an incredible metallic gem.

This extended session takes you from the beginning of glass bead making, though a series of decorative techniques and using silver glass to add a touch of bling! If you'd like to create your own super shiny glass charms please do get in touch and we'll book in a time to suit you.


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London, UK

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